Don’t Learn The Hard Way

Don’t Learn The Hard Way

Blog Article


We all make mistakes in our life. Some are small but with others we wonder if we will ever get over them.

Have you ever made a mistake or failed at something when you had one or more people trying to tell you that if you do it the way you are doing it you wont succeed?

Ok, I know thats a rhetorical question because we all have.

Wouldnt it be nice to go back in time and listen to their wisdom and advice?

In your journey towards your dream, goal, or passion, you will have the opportunity to make loads of mistakes. Thats why its so important to learn as much as you can from other peoples mistakes and failures.

A great example of this would be if you were going to travel somewhere for the first time. You may have a general idea of how to get there. You may even have a map, which would be a great thing.

Then the day before you leave you start to talk to someone that has made the exact same trip that you are getting ready to make. They begin to give you advice about the journey.

They tell you where the speed traps are and they draw out a little short cut to bypass a town and it will save you 20 minutes. They even tell you where there is a great little caf about halfway through the journey where you can get something to eat, relax, and use the bathrooms.

You now have a choice to make.

Do you take their experience and learn from them, or do you ignore it and say to yourself, Thanks for the advice, but I think I can find the way on my own.

You may still get to your destination even if you dont listen to their advice, but you may get a ticket, or it may take you longer because you didnt take their short cut, and/or you may get there but be hungry, stressed, and worn out. Thats about the time when you say, Man, if I just would have listened to their advice I would have gotten here so much faster.

However, if you do listen and act upon their experience, most likely you will be ahead of those around you who didnt have the advice of someone who was experienced.

This 의정부한국마사지 is one of the reasons its so important to have mentors and coaches around you who you can trust. They will help you avoid, hurt, pain, disappointment, discouragement, and will help you shave off time on your journey.

Many times, their advice can mean the difference between success and failure.

Now, we will still make our own mistakes in life that we can learn from.

However, I would much rather learn from someone elses experience, than have to learn the hard way.



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